Health and Nutrition
Queen's College London
Queen's College London

Health and Nutrition

We believe that food and nutrition are vital to your daughter’s physical, mental and social development. As such, we are committed to serving fresh, healthy and varied food in our dining room where the girls are provided with a breaktime snack and served lunch every day. 

Our Menu

Michaelmas Term Menus

We operate a rotational menu to ensure that our pupils are offered a variety of foods from a range of different cuisines. All meals are served in the dining room, and the girls are encouraged to use proper table manners and try new foods. Special events, such as Chinese New Year, are often celebrated with a special menu in the dining room. 
Lunch is served from 11.40am - 1.30pm with Pre-Prep and Prep sitting at different times.

Balanced meals of fresh, home-cooked food are offered alongside soup, a salad bar, and a cold dessert. A selection of fruit is offered at every meal. Our catering team serve the food to the girls and teaching staff are on hand to help the girls with their food choices. 

Dietary Requirements

The majority of dietary requirements can be catered for in the dining room, and we all enjoy Meat Free Mondays. 

Where next?

Aims and Ethos

Aims and Ethos

Aims and Ethos
Open Mornings

Open Mornings

Open Mornings
Subject Departments

Subject Departments

Subject Departments
Wellbeing and Pastoral

Wellbeing and Pastoral

Wellbeing and Pastoral