Queen's College London
Queen's College London


Welcome to the Prep department at QCPS, which starts in Form III and ends when our pupils move on to their chosen secondary school at the end of Form VI.

In the Prep School, we build on the foundations established in the Pre-Prep, continuing to develop confidence and curiosity in pupils through a supportive and inspiring learning environment.

Our creative curriculum ensures that our pupils’ understanding of relevant, global contexts is enriched through linked topics across every subject while developing key learning skills such as collaboration and resilience. Our highly skilled Form teachers teach English, maths, science, humanities and PSHCE, led by a team of expert Heads of Department who ensure excellent learning and teaching in their respective subjects across the school.

Pupils standing outside the front of Queens College Prep schoolPupils who need to be stretched or supported are catered for in an inclusive learning environment, where lessons are pitched to the top and high expectations are modelled for all. Subject specialist teachers deliver lessons in music, art & design, languages, games, swimming, gymnastics, computer science, drama & dance.

We have a proven and trusted process to help each pupil and her parents make informed decisions for 11+ entry, to ensure that all our pupils successfully apply to the senior school that is the best fit for them. Our rigorous curriculum ensures that every pupil reaches her academic potential, supported by challenge and intervention groups that provide a tailored approach to her learning journey. By the end of Form VI, our girls possess all the skills they need to thrive in their chosen senior schools. 

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Wellbeing and Pastoral

Wellbeing and Pastoral

Wellbeing and Pastoral
Subject Departments

Subject Departments

Subject Departments